Creating the HTML based on CSS selectors


Task description

You must to write HTML code with given CSS. There will be a menu with 3 elements as a result:

Note: You don’t have to add the <body> tag in your pen on


header.header” cascade

The very first cascade described by complex selector "header.header”. Let’s divide it into some simple parts. The browser reads selectors right to left, so we can split this to two parts: “.header” and “header”.

Selector “.header” means that browser has to find all elements having “header” class. Therefore, we can write any html tag with class=”header” attribute, for example, a div tag:

<div class="header"></div>

Next, the “header” part of our selector informs browser to select only <header> html tags among all tags with class=”header” attribute. So we need to change the <div> tag to <header>:

<header class="header"></header>

“.header nav.nav ul” cascade

Let’s split this selector to three parts: “ul”, “nav.nav” и “.header”. With “ul” we can understand that we have to add a <ul> tag. But this tag itself can't provide us enough information about where this tag should be in our code. So, we can just put it anywhere.

<header class="header"></header>

Let's look what is next. As we saw above, "nav.nav" means that here we need <nav> tag with class="nav" attribute. We can also notice a space between "nav.nav" and ul. Therefore, our <nav> should be ul's ancestor:

<header class="header"></header>
<nav class="nav">

Also we can see another space between nav.nav and .header, so we can figure out that we have to place our <nav> tag into <header> tag:

<header class="header">
  <nav class="nav">

“.nav ul li a” cascade

Due to this selector we consider that <a> tag have to be inside <li> tag, that should be placed into <ul>, that is descendant of the some tag with class=“nav”. We exactly have one <ul> in our HTML so let’s add <li> with tag <a> inside:

<header class="header">
  <nav class="nav">
      <li><a href="#0">Home</a></li> 
      <li><a href="#0">About</a></li> 
      <li><a href="#0">Contacts</a></li>     

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