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The hamburger button


Task description

My friends told me that they had had the work trouble this week. One of users complained about the hamburger button inconvenience on the website.

He said that he supposed that if he press the Tab key, the hamburger button would be selected. But when he had pressed Tab key, nothing happened. He also couldn’t open the menu by pressing the Enter key.

My friends have solved this problem finally. And after that they wanted to test if I can solve it. They sent me the demo code in which the animation started on the button click.

So, my task is to make animation work not only on the button click but also on the Enter key push. In addition I have to add the blue outline around the button on the Tab key press.

All CSS styles already had been written, so my friends said that I need to replace the <div class=”hamburger”> to some another tag only. Guys, do you have an idea, what it could be?

Why you need to support the project

I want to share my knowledge with you but creating posts takes a long time. Therefore I'm looking for subscribers who will financially support me. Your money will go towards the development of the HCTask project and creating my book about HTML and CSS. Together we can do it. Thank you!


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